Tuesday, January 31, 2012

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Home Remedy To Cure Sunburn

The home remedies can help you to be comfortable by soothing the burn. But one thing to remember that these home remedies can't reverse the damage which is caused by the exposure in the sun.

Sun burn is caused because of the ultra violet ray of the sun. You can get sun burn if you are over exposed under the sun. Ultra violet rays are of two kinds. a)Ultra violet A or UVA ray and b)Ultra violet B or UVB ray. Both of these rays are very strong and damaging for the skin. UVA rays hit the under layer and UVB rays hit the outer layer of the skin. The emphasis of getting sunburn depends on few things such as the geographic location, time, exposure amount and the condition of the atmosphere. Generally, sun burns are the 1st degree burn one can get from the sun rays.

Symptoms of sunburn:

The general symptoms of sun burn are: heat, redness, pain, and tender to touch in the sunburn affected area. These symptoms of sunburn can come out within 24 hrs of the exposure. The extreme sunburn symptoms include: reddening, pain, swelling. Sometimes, blisters can also appear. In this case, the sunburn can even reach in the inner layer of the skin and can damage the elastic fibers and the small blood vessels of the affected person's skin. Sometimes, extreme sunburn can results in skin cancer.

There are many home based remedies to soothe the sunburn effects. These remedies include:

  • To get relieve from the sunburn, add a few spoons of baking soda or oatmeal to your bath water or in the bath water. Try to soak yourself in the water for 15-20 minutes Both the things are very effective to soothe the sun burnt skin. After bath air dry your body. Don't wipe the excess soda or oatmeal off the skin.

  • The cool compress process is also very effective to relieve from the sunburn. Soak a cloth in the water and apply it directly to the affected areas. Apply it several times and you will get relive from the sunburn. Don't apply ice packs or ice to the affected areas. Or it may make the condition worsen.

  • Alovera gel is very effective to reduce the redness and instinct of a sunburn. You can apply the gel directly for 5-6 times a day to get rid of the sunburn.

  • Sunburn causes dehydration. So, drinking of plenty of water is necessary to heal the burn.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Effectiveness of Neem

The usage of neem for the health care purposes were started a long time back. At that time, Neem was used traditionally in Ayurveda for a lot of purposes like: as an effective formula to purify the blood, or a prior component of the diabetic formulas. Even in today, neem is widely used for rheumatism, arthritis, removal of the internal and external parasites like fever and malaria and also as an effective insect repellent. Neem is also used widely to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. Besides, neem leaves and neem twigs are used in India since a long period to clean the gums, to brush the teeth and to promote oral hygiene. Now a days, a number of scientists are confirming the effectiveness of neem over a number of things.

The effectiveness of neem against Bacteria:

According to several clinical studies, the neem has a significant effect on various bacterial strains, like streptococcus pyogenes, staphylococcus aureus, cornebacterium, salmonella typhosa and E.coli.The bacteria can cause effects on the health like cystitis, typhoid, sore throats, food poisoning and blood poisoning. Neem helps to resolve the bacterial strains mentioned above.
The effectiveness of neem against Fungi:
The fungus thrive in the humid atmospheres. According to several clinical research institutes the neem seed oil, neem leaf extracts, the smoke of dried and burning neem leaves, neem leaf powder, neem leaf pastes to treat and prevent various fungal infections like ringworm, athlete's foot, thrush and candida. Neem extracts have some powerful anti fungal ingredients which fight against the fungi.

The effectiveness of neem against Viruses:

There are some compounds in Neem which are able to surround the viruses, as well as to prevent the viruses from causing any kind of infection. Neem is also able to inhibit the multiplications caused by the virus to prevent the infection. Shingles, chickenpox, hepatitis and herpes are several viral conditions which can be treated successfully by the therapeutic compounds of neem. The symptoms of cold's or flu's can be treated easily and within a short period by the daily consumption of neem leaf extract, tea or capsules.

The effectiveness of neem against Parasites:

The effectiveness of neem against parasites is because of the compounds which can mimic the
hormones. The neem leaves extracts are an effective way to get rid of external infestation caused by the parasites. Neem also interrupts the feeding ability of the parasites and also prevents the eggs of parasites from hatching. Neem is very effective to kill the parasites like intestinal worms, lice, malariya and more. Apart from that, Neem is also very effective to cure serious dermatological problems, peridontal diseases, skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, acne and more.

Effectiveness of honey

Tea or lemon water mixed with honey is to much effective to lose weight for human body. Honey is an effective cough suppressant also . Honey can improve upper respiratory tract infections, so 2 years old children and older can take one to two teaspoons(Ten milliliters) of honey before sleeping time for improve there upper respiratory tract infections. Honey also reduce nighttime coughing and improve sleep.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Home Remedy To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Bad breath which is also known to all of us as Halitosis, is a common but awkward situation for many of us. In most of the cases, bad breath is nothing serious about it, but often it leads to severe harassment. But the good thing is that halitosis can be cured through applying some home remedies. Before applying any home remedies, its important to know the causes of getting bad breath.

General causes of getting bad breath:

People can get bad breath due to several reasons. Such as:

  • Due to the intake of high protein foods

  • Due to not having the breakfast

  • Mouth sores

  • Sinus problems

  • Dehydration

  • Stress

  • Gum disease or tooth infection

  • Zinc deficiency

There are many more reasons of having bad breath.

Home remedies to cure bad breath:

Bad breath can be cured by using some home based remedies, which are natural and doesn’t have any side effects.

  • Apple cider vinegar: It is an effective way to cure the effects of bad breath. You can use it at a mouth freshener. Dilute ½ tablespoon vinegar in a glass of water and wash your mouth with it. Use several times in a day for better results.

  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is a great way to cure bad breath when used with the toothpaste. Add a drop of tea tree oil in your to
  • oth paste and then brush the teeth. For a better effect, mix three drops of tea tree oil in a glass of lukewarm water and gurgle.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda is also very helpful to diminish the fowl smell of your mouth. Baking soda reduces the PH balance of your mouth, and therefore results in creating a less friendly environment for the germs. Add some baking soda in your toothbrush and then brush your teeth. Another thing you can do is to purchase a toothpaste, which has some amount of baking soda in it.

  • Have citrus foods in your diet: Add those foods in your diets which have high citric acid in them such as the lemon, orange or grape. These fruits will help you to get rid of the bad breath problem.

  • Use parsley: Parsley leaves are another effective medicine to cure bad breath. Add some sprigs of parsley in two cups of boiled water. Then add two or three pieces of cloves in it. Leave the mixture for cooling. Later, use it daily as a mouth freshener.

Other solutions to get rid of halitosis are: avoid high protein foods, maintain a well balanced diet, drink plenty of water and live a stressful and healthy life. It would help you to stay happy with a fresh breath.

In some cases, the problem of bad breath or halitosis can be a result of any severe health problem. If you are not getting any positive result even after using all the home remedies, then you can visit the